Do you wish to find out whether you suffer from allergies?

Starting this year the allergy rapid tests for milk allergy and gluten intolerance plus a 3 in 1 rapid test for cat, pollen and/or dust mite allergies have become available in Tervise Medical Spa Hotel's  treatment and relaxation procedures department.

Rapid test for milk allergy detection.Rapid test for milk allergy detection. This test shows the risk for developing the allergy and detects milk protein allergy. Milk allergy is one of the most common food allergies in children, but it can affect all age groups.

This test shows the risk for developing the allergy and detects milk protein allergy. Milk allergy is one of the most common food allergies
in children, but it can affect all age groups.

Possible symptoms of milk allergy: itching, swelling of lips and face, cough, shortness of breath and wheezing, asthma, dry/itchy throat and tongue; skin itch, rash and eczema; diarrhea, vomiting, headache and anaphylaxis.
Easy and painless: blood for the test is drawn from your fingertip; results within 1 hour.
Test cost: €29


Rapid test for detecting gluten intolerance Rapid test for detecting gluten intolerance  This test detects gluten intolerance (coeliac disease).

This test detects gluten intolerance (coeliac disease).
Gluten is a mix of proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and oat.
Coeliac disease is triggered by the consumption of products
containing wheat, rye, barley and oat. Coeliac disease has become
on of the most common chronic diseases.

Possible symptoms of gluten intolerance: diarrhea, bloating, weight loss, skin damage.
Easy and painless:
blood for the test is drawn from your fingertip; results within 1 hour.
Test Cost: €29

3 in 1 rapid test for detecting pollen, dust mite and cat hair allergies.

3 in 1 rapid test for detecting pollen, dust mite and cat hair allergies.  This rapid test detects risks for developing these allergies and the presence of allergies to the allergens most commonly found in air – pollen (incl hay fever and/or pollinosis), dust mites and cat hair.

This rapid test detects risks for developing these allergies and the presence of allergies to the allergens most commonly found in air – pollen (incl hay fever and/or pollinosis), dust mites and cat hair.
Possible symptoms of pollen, dust mite or cat hair allergies:
asthma, eczema, hay fewer and/or other allergy related symptoms. 90-95% of allergy related symptoms (sneezing, running nose,
itching eyes and ears, cough, difficult breathing, etc.) are on most causes caused by one of three most common airborn allergens –
i.e. cat, dust mite and pollen allergies.
Easy and painless: blood for the test is drawn from your fingertip; results within 1 hour.
Test cost: €29

You have symptoms and doubts? Do not wait any longer, find the answers!

For additional information and to book an appointment to the quick and easy allergy rapid test, send an email to or call +372 447 9230.